16 Aralık 2012 Pazar

The Role of Drawing

                   The role of drawing in children's learning is very important and not something to be underestimated.They express their thoughts through the pictures. Their drawings show us how they perceive the world. They are the symbols of their experiences and observations. Drawings are means of communication, actually a different language for them.

As Eisner (2002) told:
How something is said is part and parcel of what is said. The message is in the form-content relationship, a relationship that is most vivid in the arts.

We, as teachers, need to spend quality time on drawing and trying to understand their world.

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15 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

The Three Little Pigs

Check out this glogster :)

The Three Little Pigs

I've always loved listening, watching and reading "The Three Little Pigs" story. I think you can teach lots of concepts with this story.
The first little pig made his house out of straw.
The second little pig made her house out of sticks.
The third little pig made her house out of bricks.

The Gingerbreadman Videos

The Gingerbread Man

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The Gingerbread Man Glogster

The Gingerbread Man

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The Gingerbread Man

New Year is coming and it's time to read a classic book; The Gingerbread Man. I'm a very big fan of "Gingerbread Man". I believe my kids also adore him :)

There are infinite possiblities to do with this story. I came up with some of them.
We did cinnamon gingerbread man magnets from cinnamon dough.

What you need:
1 cup ground cinnamon
4 tablespoons white glue
3/4 to 1 cup water
White paint

You can do lots of maths activities;
How many beads did you use to trace Gingerbread Man?


Sequencing the story


14 Aralık 2012 Cuma


Eric Carle is one my favourite author. I really enjoy reading his stories, so do my kids. One of my favourite story is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? I love teaching Brown Bear because there are lots of activities you can do with/through this book.
We painted our brown bears with chocolate pudding! It was yummy!

We did maths graph.

You can do sequencing.

and actually many more. Here are some nice websites I used;






Storytelling is a great way of learning. It enables children to use their imaginations and immerse themselves completely in another world. They create a movie in their minds! They also get to know the whole world through books; different lives, places, characters, relationships, etc.